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Progressive Web Application (PWAs)- All You Need to Know About!!

Steven Keith1126 13-Aug-2018

Progressive Web Application (PWAs)- All You Need to Know About!!

You must have heard about the word PWA it stands for 'Progressive Web Applications'. It basically gives an experience, that combines the best of the web and app. In the IT world this app has made an exceptional strength among the practitioners.

PWA support is increasing in multiple platforms, and major companies are deciding to work on PWA versions of their web apps including Twitter, Lyft, Starbucks, NASA. 

There is no clear definition of PWA but we can say that it's an app created with web technologies that can work offline and optionally be installed in the operating system, where it will look and act like another app. 

In Short, PWA is web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. Surely you wonder, what is technicality of PWA? " 

What is said to be as PWA? 

PWA is a software development methodology, unlike other apps no installation is required. It works under app shell model, user fell like an app, but it's a separate application functionally from application content. This new application model attempts to offer the features offered by the Morden browser and benefits of Mobile app.

This concept has proven as a glorified bookmark to remove gaps between web and mobile technology. So, using app shell architecture allows you to download an app without play store. 

* Outline of PWA: 

1. Progressive: Works with any browser and build in progressive enhancement as a core tenet.

2. Reliable: It feels like and work exactly like an app. From junk free scrolling to it fits for every single device.

3. Fast: With fast loading and work offline. In addition, every data is being always up to the date for users.

So, you might think what is Unique Quality of PWA? 

It separates the core application infrastructure and UI from the data. The Progressive Web App does not need to load everything, it only needs to retrieve the necessary data. 

At the end it provides a better experience to a wider audience. The seamless end to end user experience provided by PWA, even with flaky networks provided by PWA improves the number of successful conversions. 

For a User easiest thing to persuade the customers to install a PWA than a native app. They just have to click on the Add to home screen and wait for a few seconds to download. With less data storage you can account for the great app experience. 

Even this buzzword for web and mobile technology it has some benefits and loopholes. 

* Advantages of PWA: 

1. No installation:

This is the web pages, so you just have to click on the add to home screen button and in few seconds, Use the Application.

2. Financial Benefits: 

High profitability is another benefit, PWA does not change your model or deployment of model, unlike strategies of a native app.

3. Works with any Network:

Provide quick loading of your app, regardless of the network connectivity. Even if you have low network, or no data connection you can still use PWA.

4. Up-to date Content:

PWA is providing data on online and offline network, it saves up to 50mb in the phone. When user frequently visits the site., the app automatically provides up to date content.

* Disadvantages of PWA:

1. Hardware Functionality:

PWA has major issues with the hardware functionality of the devices, most of the devices allow to use native apps but only a few will use PWA.

2. Cross application Logins:

Almost all the applications now provide cross login options, but in PWA cross login communication is not possible.

3. Cross Browser Support:

Commonly use software like chrome, opera and Samsung app browsers support the PWA but safari and EGDE yet to extend the support.

4. Device distinctiveness:

Android users found some of the support issues with PWA, and iOS users are not does not support notification and prompting icon on the Home screen.

* PWA with Android and IOS: Both have different views in terms of usage, let's look into some highlighted features they have.

1. Android:

On Android you can store more than 50 Mb data of the application.

Android doesn't delete the app if you don’t use for few days.

It gives Background Sync and Web Push Notifications.

You can customize (a little bit) the splash screen and the orientations you want on your android devices.

2. IOS:

Users can change icon’s name before installing it further.

Configuration in a so corporate users can receive PWAs shortcuts from the company (that’s a good one!).

Moreover, Safari uses the term Web Clip for this feature; it doesn’t seem to be reading the Web App Manifest.

Wrapping up:

Progressive apps are heading to be the future of the technology. Corporates are taking interest and community is growing by usage because they have potential to create a huge shift in the industry. By providing average or rough pricing and better user experience PWA catches lots of attention in the market.

I am Steven Keith, a business analyst as well mobile developer at top notch mobile app development company. I am also tech writer and loves to write on different programming and developing tools.

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